GPF Docs

Major Components

Major Components

GPF has five major components: ServerObjects, Syncer, DataStore, View Bindings, and Controllers. This article break those components down and illustrates how they are connected.

Below is a diagram with GPF's major components and a table describing those components.

You write custom ServerObjects to manage game state with server authoritaty. ServerObjects inherit persistence and synchronicity (subscribers are kept in-sync) so you only worry about what messages they should handle and how they should handle them. Learn more here.Base ServerObject provided along with many examples of ServerObjects.
SyncerSyncer lets the client sync to and message ServerObjects. Learn more here.Provided within framework.
DataStoreA place to throw data so it can be easily accessed. Every SO value is stored here. These values can be bound to Views with ViewBindings. Learn more here.Provided within framework.
ViewBindingsClasses that make it easy to bind gameobjects to information in the DataStore. Learn more here.Several examples provided. You can build your own as well.
ControllersGlue logic for the application or a feature. Handles initialization and houses UI event handlers. This code is game specific and will be attached to a gameobject on the Scene.One example provided in each example project.

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