GPF Docs

Syncer Code Doc

Syncer Code Doc

Syncer enables syncing to SOs as well as sending messages to them.

Syncer objects are generally created within a controller or a test script. You will create a single Syncer in your AppController, however you can create multiple Syncer objects in tests to simulate interactions between players.

Namespace: GPF


Provides a reference to Syncer.

public static Syncer CreateSyncer()

For example

syncer = Syncer.CreateSyncer();

Sync Returns a reference to the SO that is automatically kept insync with the backend.

public async Task<T> Sync<T>(SOID<T> soID) where T : RawServerObject


player = await syncer.Sync(playerID);

PreSync Start syncing porcess on multiple server objects as a possible optimization to syncing objects in sequence. You can get a reference to the server object with Syncer.Sync

public void PreSync(params SOID[] soIDs)




Send messages to SOs through the send method.

Send(SOID soID, ServerObjectMessage message)


syncer.Send(player, new CoinPlayerSO.Flip());


Like Send but blocks until message consumed and processed.

public async Task SendWait(SOID soID, ServerObjectMessage message)


await syncer.SendWait(player, new CoinPlayerSO.GetTopScores());

SendWait is helpful when sending messages that will only be sent once per session, for example during initialization or testing because it saves you from setting up a listener. In either case, you need to make sure that the SO Handler for the message you are sending is marked with [FromClient], like so:

void Handler(GetTopScores message)
new CoinLeaderboardSO.GetTopScores()

Syncer supports a series of "WaitFor" methods that allow us to wait for a field to have a particular value, or, more broadly, evaluate as true given an operation. These methods are particularly useful when writing unit tests. They throw a TimeoutException if the field doesn't change within the timeout.

Method SignatureNotes
public async Task WaitFor(RawServerObject so, string fieldname, IFieldOperation operation)The timeout will default to 15s.
public async Task WaitFor(RawServerObject so, string fieldname, IFieldOperation operation, TimeSpan timeout)You configure your own timeout
public async Task WaitFor(RawServerObject so, string fieldname, IFieldOperation operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)You can cancel the task through code using the cancelation token (no timeout)
public async Task WaitFor(RawServerObject so, string fieldname, IFieldOperation operation, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Configure a timeout and set a cancelation token.


// Wait for the username to have been changed to what we requested
await syncer.WaitFor(me, nameof(CoinPlayerSO.username), FieldIs.Equal(username));
// Wait for the coin flip to resolve to heads or tails
await syncer.WaitFor(
FieldIs.EqualToItemIn(CoinPlayerSO.CoinState.HEADS, CoinPlayerSO.CoinState.TAILS)


Creates a link to an SO in the data store.

public void Alias(SOID soID, string alias)


syncer.Alias(table, "table");

Creates a link to an SO field in the data store.

public void Alias(SOID soID, string field, string alias)


syncer.Alias(table, "game", "table_game");


Removes link a link in the datastore

public void RemoveAlias(string alias)




Disconnects the connection between Syncer and the backend so the backend isn't unnecessarily overburdened.

public async Task Disconnect()


private async void OnDestroy()
if (syncer != null)
await syncer.Disconnect();

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